
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2023

Medieval period


Ancient structures

  source: Wikipedia On the map you can see the sites of megalithic temples, one of them: Hypogeum is located underground and was discovered accidentally during construction work.  Before visiting these Megalitic Temples of Malta, it is worth paying a visit in  National Museum of Archeology in Malta , where numerous artefacts are gathered and such a  Hypogeum: 


  When you live in Poland and visit Poznan, you associate Malta with Lake Malta or Komandoria , a district of Poznan. There are probably a few more associations with dogs , falcons and castles of the "Joannites". Only when you come to Malta, visit a few museums and read about the wonderful history of this tiny island country, you will  realise that it is not just a travel destination, superficially perceived as you stay for  a few days in a concrete hotel, a few evenings in a pub and a quick return to Poland. Slow down, look deeper, read about the Maltese dwellers, their well preserved language and unusual craft skills , learn more about the history of this country, especially the stone structures built thousands of years ago. Many are older than the pyramids in Egypt or Stonehenge on Salisbury Plains. Basic info about Malta from my perspective The entire Maltese archipelago is worth a visit, due to the extraordinary attractions that are a work of nature found on the island