

When you live in Poland and visit Poznan, you associate Malta with Lake Malta or Komandoria, a district of Poznan.

There are probably a few more associations with dogs, falcons and castles of the "Joannites". Only when you come to Malta, visit a few museums and read about the wonderful history of this tiny island country, you will  realise that it is not just a travel destination, superficially perceived as you stay for  a few days in a concrete hotel, a few evenings in a pub and a quick return to Poland. Slow down, look deeper, read about the Maltese dwellers, their well preserved language and unusual craft skills , learn more about the history of this country, especially the stone structures built thousands of years ago. Many are older than the pyramids in Egypt or Stonehenge on Salisbury Plains.

Basic info about Malta from my perspective

The entire Maltese archipelago is worth a visit, due to the extraordinary attractions that are a work of nature found on the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino that I have visited several times so faf. Malta can be reached directly by low-cost airlines, which is why you will meet many Poles on the spot. The flight takes around three hours. I usually set off from Gdańsk.

This is an attractive destination chosen by our compatriots for many other reasons. First and foremost, the climate - regardless of the season, Malta will most likely offer beautiful, sunny weather. In addition, you will meet very friendly locals, with whom you will be able to communicate in English without any problems. This is because Malta has two official languages - Maltese and English - so the Maltese speak both fluently. It is also worth knowing that in Europe's smallest country, the Euro is the official currency. From my own experience, the best season to come here is winter, I do enjoy the sunny weather and low prices. This time I have stayed in Azure Hotel in Gzira.

more about Azur Hotel

Travelling around Malta and Gozo by public transport is very comfortable. Both islands are served by the same company, so if you bought a package of tickets in Malta, you can also use them in Gozo. Since I enjoy walking, I do spend a lot of time getting to and from ETI Malta on foot. Seldom do I take advantage of public transport. Such an approach gives me a lot of possibilities to look into street life and come across some unusual spots like poultry living happily next to a modern Mariott hotel. 

 While in Malta, one wants to visit as many beautiful views of the works of nature as possible. We also have the opportunity to see the islands of Gozo and Comino. These places are prepared for tourists, so the tour will be simple and very enjoyable. There are ferries departing from the north coast of Malta to both Gozo and Comino. Yesterday we got to Valetta and back to Gzira by a ferry. The crossing was fast and smooth, the views breathtaking, especially when it's dark. 

Before you arrive in Malta, challenge your knowlege!



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